You don't need a lot stuff to train in aikido.
A couple uniforms, a bokken and jo, and you're good to go!
Uniform (do-gi, keiko-gi, aikido-gi)
You can wear a plain white martial arts uniform (karate-gi, or preferably a judo-gi), with a white or black belt, depending on your rank. You have the option of sewing a Burloak Aikikai badge (shown above, available for free) onto the left shoulder of your uniform.
Fuji brand Judo-gi are available at the dojo for $75.
Yudansha (black belt ranks) also wear a hakama (traditional Japanese pleated skirt). We order these from various suppliers in Japan.
When you train at seminars or other dojo, it is a good idea to bring some sandals for walking around inside when off the mats.
We use bokken (wooden katana), jo (short staff) and wooden tanto (dagger) in training. It is good to have your own set, although the dojo has some for members to use freely as well.
Basic bokken and jo are available at the dojo for $20 each.
You should find yourself a carrying bag somewhere (e.g. Amazon).
Sei Do Kai Supplies in Guelph makes very nice sets of bokken and jo for US$132 with tanto, US$117 without tanto, including shipping in North America. You can order online, but note that the prices are in USD. Scroll down the page to "Japanese White Oak Aikido set"
Thanks to Andrew, we now have very cool white t-shirts with the Burloak Aikikai crest on them!
They are available at the dojo for $15